Oklahoma law prohibits the unauthorized use of a credit or debit card. The unauthorized use of a credit or debit card is defined as using or attempting to use, a credit or debit card to obtain money, goods, services, or anything else of value when the cardholder does not have the authority to do so. The unauthorized use of a credit or debit card is punishable by up to ten years in prison and/or a fine of up to $5,000. Oklahoma courts have also held that the unauthorized use of a credit or debit card is a felony offense. As such, it will result in a criminal record if the person is convicted.
Our team of experts will analyze your case and determine the best course of action. We are passionate about defending Oklahomans in the court of law, to ensure every individual is represented properly. Our team will help you through the entire process and fight for your second chance. Contact us today if you are in need of a defense attorney, or are needing a qualified attorney to speak with you about record expungement.